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Electricity For Less

We’re a solar energy company serving southeast and central Florida with a passion for clean, affordable energy.
Our mission is to provide homeowners and businesses with high-quality solar PV systems that save you money and help to get energy independence while contributing toward a sustainable planet.
Our team of solar energy professionals has over a decade of experience serving the people of the southeast and central Florida and can tackle any clean energy challenge!
Benefits of Installing Solar Panels
Aside from just the tax benefits and reducing pollution, there are many benefits to using solar energy. If your electricity bills are already pretty high, perhaps around $120/month or more, you’ll actually save money by switching and end up paying less, around $30 per month with solar panels.
Save Money
Stop paying an electric bill. Reduce your monthly expenses making your own solar energy.
Tax Credits
Save significantly on your taxes by taking advantage of our solar incentives!
Home Value
Instead of paying the power company, put that money into an investment for your home.
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